Personalized Career Coaching

Help navigating your job search

It’s true — finding a job is much harder than it used to be.

Employers have radically changed the way they hire over the last few years. This means that most job seekers are using outdated strategies and bad advice to navigate a new world filled with ghost jobs and increasingly sophisticated ATS robots

So whether you apply for dozens of jobs per day or are hiding under the bed, you’re probably feeling frustrated, burned out or unseen.

The good news is that, with the right strategies, you can confidently chart a successful course through the modern job market.

Finding a job is a group effort. By engaging with people professionally and personally, you can move past robotic online submissions and build rewarding relationships and begin a great career.

Filling coaching gap for young adults

For over two decades, Sarah has specialized in filling the “coaching gap” young adults experience between what college counseling offers and what mid- to late- career advisors provide. She’s helped these young adults build networks, materials, training and resources they need to directly access professionals who can give them background and contacts, in fields ranging from manufacturing to health care.

Along the way, she has both hired scores of employees and been a successful job seeker, experiencing firsthand the shifts in hiring practices.

After I got laid off, I spent nearly a year and applied for 500 positions. I hardly had any confidence left. The strategies I’d used to get my first job were out of date and useless. Sarah worked with me to uncover strengths I didn’t know I had. Her methods helped me get past the ATS as well as build a strategic network to connect and maintain professional relationships with real people. I succeeded in getting this job, and I’m really glad – the pay is great, the opportunities for growth are large, and I’m only in the office two days a week! I also appreciated the availability of follow-up sessions when I needed advice on how to manage relationships and business dealings at this more senior level. Sarah’s cross-sectional experience in multiple fields and organization types really provides insights that I don’t think one could get anywhere else. — Cameron R.

Coaching tailored to meet your needs

Your challenges and strengths are unique to you. So you and Sarah will work together to ensure that your coaching journey is tailored to match your needs, skills and goals.

I’m so glad I checked in with Sarah when a company offered me $20,000 lower than my goal. She helped me develop a professional, data-driven counteroffer, and now I’m being paid the salary I’d hoped for! — Kate M.

The days of working for one company for 30 or 40 years are over, so it’s important to find a career coach like Sarah, who has held jobs and built deep professional networks in a wide variety of public and private organizations.

Find out how Sarah Lee can help you launch your career!